Saturday 12 November 2011

Mise en scene in our piece

The setting automatically shows the genre is a fantasy film. Because Woodland area are very common in some disney or other fantasy films, such as; Snow White, Bambi, Shrek etc.. So we though the woodland area of college would make a perfect location to film a fantasy film. Also we will be filming it around mid day, so you'll see all the different colours of trees and plants, which will create a happy atmosphere because the location looks pretty.

We have used happy colours, which also are very natural and go well with the setting, to help show the genre of fantasy in our piece. Also to give it a happy and friendly environment. The costume were:
-colourful Head bands
- clothes which were natural tone but interesting
- colourful necklaces
- A hat

make up
Bold face paint which is colourful as well, which gives a friendly presents and more interesting to look at. Also to give it more a fantasy edge to it. Also it helps separate the characters from each other.

The props play a narrative role in the piece because with out them, you would notice they were having a pic nic because the characters don't talk and there is also, know narrator!! Also the props help make the set more interesting and fantasy like.

Body language
Body language played important role in telling the narrative of the film. The body language was exaggerated to make it more melodramatic, which made it more comic and to make the narrative clearer because there is no words. The body language also help show the relationship between the too characters, by making them hold hands together and to play around, it show a very friendly relationship, maybe even love!!!!

Our opening sequence will have the following:

In our opening sequence we are aiming to show:
-Introduction of characters


We are rating our film a U because there is nothing in there which is sexual or violent! It does not offend anyone, also by making it a U it is open to a much bigger audience! The film is set within a positive moral-framework and offers reassuring, which counterbalances with any violence!

Ideas we have taken from 'in the night garden'

Ideas we have taken:
- The noises the characters make
- Using exaggerated sounds, emphasise things
- Using happy background music
- Colourful stuff in side the frame
- using lots of colours


Friday 14 October 2011

Story board for our children's film project

Scene 1: -There are two fantasy characters skipping in a wood land area.
-The shot for this scene is a Long shot, because it is a opening scene and we want to show the location and to introduce the main 2 characters!
-They skip toward and then passed the camera.

Scene 2: -They look around then choose a location for the pic-nic, they then layout and setup the picnic, then they sit down on the picnic mat!
- There is a mid shot and close up when they are looking for the picnic location, then a long shot when they go to sit down!

Scene 3:: -Close up of them eating the food!! This captures facial expressive!

scene 4 - the witch sneaks up on the 2 characters

scene 5 - the character run away in fear.
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